Training for personal Defense is not all serious kill-or-be-killed stuff, nor should it be.
What's the point of defending a life of misery?  Sometimes training gets intense.  As you become more and more skilled, you want to challenge yourself.  It's only natural.  Just remember to have fun along the way!  

Check out the video I found of the people at Exuberant Animal.  These guys are having a good time while getting fit.  Let me know what you think!

Check out THIS STORY when you are finished with my blog today!
It's about new studies that prove that even if you are among the "oldest old" exercise can lengthen your life.

It's just one more proof that it is never too late to start something for yourself!

The great news is that even taking a few 15 minute walks counts as exercise.

If you are concerned about personal defense, you should also be interested in personal fitness.  I offer you this article as inspiration to get out there and MOVE!

FYI - The old man in the picture is Helio Gracie - patriarch of the world famous Gracie Jiu Jitsu family - choking out a much younger Royce Gracie.  What's your excuse?

Run Away!
There is a story I picked up somewhere about a student of martial arts.  His master asked him one day how he would respond if he were attacked. 

No dummy, the student answered "Run away!".  After all, he had heard that in class often enough.

 "Really?" the master asked.  "OK - start running - and I better not catch you!"

A Personal Defense has a unique approach to self-defense that takes you as you are.  Even a  morbidly obese man may begin learning self-defense today with the abilities he has. 

Truth be told, those abilities are only going to increase if he also makes a commitment to getting into better shape.