Run Away!
There is a story I picked up somewhere about a student of martial arts.  His master asked him one day how he would respond if he were attacked. 

No dummy, the student answered "Run away!".  After all, he had heard that in class often enough.

 "Really?" the master asked.  "OK - start running - and I better not catch you!"

The surprised student took off, but he was winded in seconds and the master caught him easily. 

The student gave lip service to the philosophy but did not do the work to back it up.  If he had tried to run from a serious threat, he would have been easily caught, and too tired to mount a meaningful defense. 

Whatever your plan, it is imperative that you do the work required.  Maybe you can't run.  Then you better have a different plan and train diligently.  You should have a backup plan too.  You will never regret being too prepared to face what life throws at you!

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