Part one began with David approaching the battle with unshakable faith and a clear mind.  What else did David bring with him?

When David was preparing for battle, he picked up 5 smooth stones.  Why five?  If he had faith, why not 1?  For that matter, why bring any weapon? 

David was prepared to face real-world problems.  If he missed his first shot the battle would not be lost.  He did not rely on any one stone, even though in the end, that was all it took.

How many people train in self-defense expecting that groin kick to end the fight?  What if you miss?  What if he doesn't care?  Better have a back up plan.

In your own training, you must prepare for Murphy to show up - as in Murphy's Law.  If anything can go wrong, you must be prepared for it to go wrong at the worst possible time.  Get your backup plan ready.
10/14/2009 05:43:46 pm

What, someone not care about a kick to their groin? I can't imagine! Your point is spot on. Someone may grab your leg...etc... Gotta have contingencies.

7/12/2012 11:07:55 am

will return soon


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