I got this inquiry the other day:

"I am just wondering if my body is able to do all the 'self defense' moves, being I have a bad back and hip? What are your thoughts?"

This, by the way, from a woman in her thirties.  Hardly a woman with one foot in the grave.

Among my clients have been men and women dealing with blindness, mutilation, disease, injuries - you name it!

None of them could ever look like Bruce Lee, but the whole point is that they don’t have to.  They all have SOMETHING they could use to defend themselves.  

It’s what you do with what you have that counts.  After all, the bad guy doesn’t care if your back hurts.  Sure, learning to get out from under someone who intends to hurt you is going to be uncomfortable.  The thing is, would you rather find out what is possible before that happens, or when it happens for real?

That’s my philosophy.

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