"I've Got a Secret"
Are there any words more enticing to the human mind?  We all want to learn the "secrets" to wealth, fitness, love, personal defense, whatever.

In the video here you see some people who have bought into the idea that there are secret methods that will make them safe - invincible, maybe.  You also see what happens when they meet people who don't share those beliefs.
If you watch the video, you notice that every student, and the master himself, are all susceptible to the one touch knockout.  Apparently, they go into a state similar to shock when it happens.  Cool, right?
So what happens when the news woman, who is MAYBE 105 pounds, asks for a demo?  Well, after a bit of theatrics, the master smacks her in the head - to no effect.  Oops.
Well, he explains later, only about 40% of the population is actually susceptible to these attacks.  Surely she is among the 60% who aren't?!?

OK, so let's go down to a jujitsu dojo and knock those guys out.  The master smacks them a bit, but again, to no effect.

Afterward, he explains how natural athletes learn to channel this energy so that it does no damage.  He didn't even TRY the touchless knockout that worked so well in the beginning of the clip - on his own students.

So, let's recap:
1. The method works less than 1/2 the time, even under the best circumstances.
2. It does not work against anyone who may be physically threatening - IE, "natural athletes".
So if you are attacked by 3 underweight librarians, there is a good chance this will work on one of them?
3. I notice it worked on all of his students.  So his school consists entirely of out of shape (non-athletic) people in the LOWER 40% of the population?

Doesn't say much about him or his students, I'm afraid.  Maybe they should train in fluffy pink bunny suits.

A Personal Defense does not require one to be athletic to make the training work, but the training MUST be applicable against athletic attackers - or why bother?

The instructor confidently explains to us that, despite having utterly failed to demonstrate any special ability on a single non-student, that he "knows what he can do" and is confident in his abilities.  They even offer a free month of training if you want to come down and see for yourself!  Great.  Will I then be in the athletically challenged 40%?  No thanks.

But wait! One of the "lower 40" throws down a challenge for us to come down and get "knocked out". 

Right.  You can't knock out a woman 1/2 your size.  If training is going to make me susceptible to secret powers that I am otherwise  immune to, I think I'll pass.  Good luck with the John Wayne attitude though.

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