
Don't we all have special needs?  I have to wear glasses to drive.  Some people need wheelchairs to get around.  Some can't see at all, and some can't see at night.

The whole point of A Personal Defense is to provide YOU with the skills to defend yourself and your loved ones with what you have, where you are, today.  If you are stuck in a wheelchair, let's find out what your options are and work on strategies to make them work for you.  Have a bad knee?  Well, I probably wasn't going to have you jump kicking anyway.

What are your limitations?  What are your strengths?  Lets use those strengths to their greatest advantage to minimize the limitations.  The personal defense goals of people with "handicaps" are not well served by traditional martial arts.  Fortunately, that is not the end of the story.

Whatever your abilities, there is a way to maximize them.  You may never win a title belt or a trophy, but you can learn to make the most of what you have.  After all, it's not about doing fancy or difficult things.  It's about YOU!

Joe Bloe
12/18/2009 03:50:33 am

So many people think the handicapped are defenseless or that they need to be treated like their limitations don't exist to preserve their "feelings".

As a man confined to a wheelchair for 6 years now, I want to say it is so important to view my situation in a realistic light, and to make preparations BEFORE I need to protect myself.


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