To succeed in any endeavor, you need to know why you are doing it.  What do you want from it?

When something is worth doing, there are going to be moments of challenge or even great difficulty.  At these times, having a "why" gives you something to cling to - to aim towards.

Personal Defense is no different.  Your "why" will be extremely important in deciding what and how you are taught.  Sooner or later there will be challenges.  Your schedule may change at work.  You may have a change in employment or health or your children may have issues.  When outside forces conspire to interfere with the attainment of your goals, you need to know why those goals are important.  

Why should you even care about personal defense?  Do you want to know how to protect your family in a violent situation?  Do you want to gain emotional control?  Is it something else?  You need a why.  You need something to aim for - something that motivates YOU!

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